Need some basic information about the bankruptcy process?
Go to
This website provides some excellent background and rudimentary knowledge courtesy of the United States Federal Courts. You can learn about the bankruptcy process, the different bankruptcy chapters, and other useful information.
Need some help with a consumer protection issue?
Go to
This will take you to the issues page of the National Consumer Law Center's website. You can find useful information and resources for bankruptcy, debt collection, foreclosure, credit cards, and other consumer law issues.
My primary goals in blogging will be to: (1) help the public better understand the practice of law and issues attorneys regularly face in representing clients; and (2) to provide information about the legal areas in which I practice. Now follows my DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this blog is meant to serve as legal advice. This blog does not create an attorney client/relationship between me (the author) and you (the reader). If you need legal help, you should contact a local attorney in your area.